The truth revealed in our day

I am a Torah observant Yahwist and believe I am of the lost sheep of Yisrael who Yahshua wa looking for. I love my Yehudan brothers and pray for their peace and for them to disreguard the worlds religions and teach the world the pure Torah as I was taught. I know that we were deceived but if we know Yahweh our Father, then we know he told us this would happen. I follow all the written Torah in Devarim as this was given from Yah to Moshe for us. I know that Yahshua is the one whom Moshe prophesied would come to re teach and clarify Torah for those who were lost. I have no problem with Islam as I am sure it was given by my Elohim and I know that Muslim’s would agree with the way I follow Torah as they know who Moshe and Yahshua are and that if I am following the prophets truth I am just like them submitted to Yahweh Allah. When we take all 3 truths sent to us which are Torah of Moshe, the prophets(and nothing added), gospel of Yahshua(Matthews recording and nothing added by Paul and his wolves) and the Qur’an (only the Qur’an and nothing added after) then we will have the truth. I do not blame anyone for not knowing the truth as they have all been lied to by their teachers. When judgement comes Moshe, Yahshua, and Mohammed peace be unto them, shall judge us by what they were told to teach us. Our mighty creator does not want any of us to perish but he indeed gave us a free will to choose, either listen to men or Yahweh. He put in front of us the path to life or death. Paul the anti messiah came and lead the world astray and caused great turmoil for all of us. There were other deceivers along the way but they in the long run did not force us to choose them, in the long run the choice has always been ours. There is no devil forcing you to do anything and therefore we can only blame ourselves as we are the ones who accepted the lies because they fit into our lives and we can live how we want instead of the way we were told to by Yah. The truth has always been there right in our faces but we had to excuse their teaching and accept the one who tickled our greedy hearts. The religion of christianity taught by Paul was the lie and the anti messiah you are all waiting for was here and gone long ago but his evil message of lies against Torah are still here. This was the message of the tares and the wheat Yahshua spoke of. It is time at last for this truth to be revealed and remember I do not blame any of you who have fallen for this as you have never had a teacher to share this with you till now. If you want the truth (this is for christians) read what Yahshua taught in Matthew and then go to Deuteronomy and compare, see it is the same then and now!Know it did not die on the cross, no it was right there the whole time and not one little word will ever be changed not even if our world is destroyed, it is the living truth eternal. The sermon on the mount is identical to the commandments for the lost sheep given to Moshe, this is what Yahshua pointed back to for us. Why else would Yahshua have faced death to teach this to us. He did not come and teach all that just so it could be scrapped after his death. No it was put into the bible because Yah knew what would happen so the truth road on the back of the antichrist till now. inadvertently the evil still carried the truth this far for us. Now realize there is no more reason to suffer, pick up  TORAH and live the blessing. Our houses are divided against each other and if we do not re unite we will all die!


Filed under Christianity, religion, Torah truth

A Kingdom Year

When an event like the tragedy in Newtown, CT takes places, it is common that in the news the same event is replayed from lots of different perspectives.  That is the best way to view this section of Revelation as well.  Rather than understanding chapters 16-19 chronologically, we are seeing the same fall of Rome from several viewpoints.


Today, John sees Rome (code-named Babylon) pictured as a gaudy, drunken prostitute riding on a red, seven-headed, ten-horned beast.  She is drunk on the “blood of God’s holy people” (17:6).  Rome is pictured here as a power-drunk manipulator of the nations, offering base pleasure, riding on the beast of brute power.  So pictured, we can all think of many such prostitutes throughout the ages.  Interestingly, when we talk about two powers — political, cultural, or economic — joining forces in order to increase their market share, we say they are “in bed”…

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It is time for revelation!

It is time for revelation!.

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It is time for revelation!

Why is it that people believe that there was a new covenant, when in actuality it was a re newing of the old covenant as prophesied by the prophets of old. We were to go back to the old covenant which was delivered by Yahweh through Moshe and Yahshua at that time. We are all to keep the Shebat and to be in strict obedience to the Torah as it was written in Deuteronomy. As it was prophesied someday the Lost Sheep of Yisrael would some day wake up in the land of the gentiles and would be given a heart to obey Torah as it should be not as the Jewish and Christian’s have perverted it. Paul was sent after Yahshua’s because we did not receive Torah through Yahshua, so Yahshua went back to Yah to wait and Paul along with the adversary (evil spirit which Yah will soon remove) came to pull the wool over our eyes just as it happened to Adam. The Adversary has tricked us and once again whispered to our greedy hearts that we no longer must obey and we surely shall not die if we do not OBEY TORAH. It is hard to accept but it is the narrow road which almost all have missed completely and the world is running down the wide path now but thinks it is running to Yah. Yahshua said it would happen and at the end they will all be yelling in turmoil saying they did all this in his name and he will alas say I do not know you who work lawlessness!!! Our true faith was hijacked but the true message has been carried forth to us in Mattithyah’s gospel. Yahshua taught Torah and that it what we must walk in, in order to even be recognized, for Yah does not even hear a sinner’s prayer that is empty, it is a stench in Yah’s nostrils. The world is now like it was in the days of Noah, beware Yah has showed me the truth and I pass it to you. Do not follow the betrayer Paul’s gospel for it is the gospel of death, we are not free, we must enter the covenant and with every strngth Yah gives us we must over come sin and then finally you will be ready and He will fill your heart with Torah so you love it and hereby Love Yahweh Elohim. You must be a lost sheep not a repulsive liar!
Jason         a small speck with earth shattering truth for all who can accept it. Yahshua came to strighten out path to our Father, Yahshua is the branch we must OBEY him not just believe for we are fools without works…. Keep the sabbath obey the commandments given by Moshe for it will lead to life!!!

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More answers to those searching

The Ten Commandments, In SVG

Image via Wikipedia

Shalom and thank you for the response,  (I use The Scriptures, The institute for scriptural research, South Africa) I am a very slow 2 finger typer and use copy and paste sometimes(New Living Translation). Which do you use?

I would also suggest as you like to look up words, see what version means in the dictionary, you will be surprised.

I also notice that so many people nowadays will spend all their energy to defend Paul. I ask why? It must be admitted that Paul is their teacher and they put full faith in him even though he wrote such mixed up writings.
You also said he was like a lawyer and this I agree with. What do lawyers do? Our lawyers get paid to find loop holes in the law and can have a guilty man set free even though not innocent, they twist the laws. Our justice system operates just like Paul.

Let me ask you this: if I have Yahshua as my teacher and he is the one sent by Yah to teach me, why then should I accept another teacher?

If Paul had the set apart spirit, then why are his writings so confusing?
Yahshua’s teachings are not confusing and neither is Yah’s Torah.
Yahweh is not the author of confusion!

We are told to always test the fruits and Paul seems to have been bad fruit from the beginning, as he was trying to stomp out Yahshua’s followers. A bad tree cannot produce good fruit, can it?

Can you show me somewhere that Paul had to go through what we must and repent and turn back to true Torah.
Paul’s conversion is not like mine at all, he never came to shame and realized he was wrong and cried out to Yah for forgiveness, for Yah’s salvation!

Another thing I know from Torah is that we must always have at least 2 or 3 witnesses to prove everything. No one saw or heard anything!

Paul had absolutely no witness to his 2 stories( Paul gave 3 different stories, does the spirit lie)) of when Yahshua supposedly came to him in the desert at Damascus and in the inner room when he was jailed? Yahshua prophesied and warned us that if someone says look here I saw him in he desert or in the inner room we should not believe them as he said when he came back the whole world would see him from east to west! Paul actually said he learned nothing from any man, but he was taught some other way. when Yahshua said his teaching was the only way!

What is it about my point that you do not like, I show people the way back to Yah through his perfect law, do I not? I point back to the narrow way which is hard to find and not many have found. I point out to everyone that there is only one teacher, not two. I reject anything which is not Torah, pure and clean.

If you were to read 2 Thessalonians 2 and pay close attention you will truly see that Paul is making a self confession about the man of Lawlessness who will be revealed.
I say it will be hard for the world to accept that the one they put so much faith in is actually the one who taught them to sin. We know this is true as his writings are the ones which were used.

Another point about Paul is the fact that he had the thorns of Satan in his side. If you want to know what this means look back to Paul’s ancestor King Sha’ul who also had the thorns in his side (evil spirit). Yah had removed his set apart spirit from the King as he was not obedient and instead gave him a spirit of evil. King Sha’ul tried many times because of the evil spirit to kill our King Dawid who was chosen by Yah. Just as Paul(Sha’ul tried to purge Dawid’s ancestor King Yahshua, who was also chosen by Yah and given the full seven fold set apart spirit.

In 2 Thess it shows that the evil one would come and he to would have the power to do miracles and to deceive and those who follow him were and are still given over to their own delusions.

Sha’ul is the one who taught that the Laws were nailed to the cross, he changed what Yahshua said. Yahshua never taught that all would be forgiven because they killed him, No he taught repentance and turning back to the old way which Moshe taught. They are Yah’s Laws and are and always will be perfect in every way. It is us who is flawed because we do not listen to the One and only teacher sent to us to straighten out our path back to Yah, Yahshua showed us the narrow restricted hard to find way which had been hidden by those who were to teach it to all of man kind.

To choose Paul over Yahshua is an abomination. Yahshua’s work was all done before he was killed according to Yah’s good plan and he was taken up to Yah to receive his reward for obedience and now he waits for the time when Yah sends him back to clean out all who practice Torahlessness and they will be thrown in the fire because they chose not to follow the narrow road laid out by the Master Yahshua!

We must call out to Yahweh not to Yahshua. We are to call out in Yahshua’s name and what does this mean?  Call out to Yah for his salvation as Yah is the savior and Yahshua is his messenger of truth.

Moshe told us he would come and make our path straight but we must listen to him and no one else or we would end up under the curse. The curse only comes for the Torah less, and blessings come to Torah obedient.

Salvation was given for the Lost Sheep of Israel and those who want to join Israel. It was never given to create a religion which excludes the chosen and includes the lawless ones. The gentiles were always welcome if they wanted to accept Yah and do his Torah. Christianity was given to make Israel jealous and perhaps wake them out of their slumber, but unfortunately it did not seem to work as everyone seemed to like no law because it is so much easier and they don’t even have to try.

The truth of the Lawless One will be revealed and now is that time. The world is waiting for some kind of monster to come and lead the world into lawlessness but alas he has always been there with you and everyone seems to love the teacher of lies. You will never see this anti Christ you are all waiting for, the blind will keep leading the blind and they will all run down the wide highway into the pit and then they will cry to the master but he will say away with you all who practice Torahlessness. It will be very horrible and sad but Yah gave us 2000 years to get this right. That is what I call extreme mercy.

No one has to hear what I am saying and I will never force anyone to. I will never hope for anyone to mutilate themselves or send them back to satan, I am here to pint to the narrow way which no one seems able to find. I to am crying out from the wilderness as I have woken from the stupor and see the true light shining bright. Remember love does not force it is always a choice only we can make. All the other emotions can be forced but not love and this is why Yah gave us a choice. We are being sifted to see if we love him and want to hear his truth and live for Yah and not for our own greedy gains.
Look around Yah is shaking our foundations.

I build my faith on Yahshua who is the cornerstone and the rest of those who practice lawlessness build there faith on sand.

This is a quote from you ( Torah Restoration “Paul is an incredible scholar and has an amazing way of setting out his arguments.  He does it like any good lawyer.  You lay the foundation, and then from there you build on that foundation.  Paul has done that in a fantastic way in Romans”)

By this you admit who’s foundation you have built upon, do you not and I know most Christians out there would agree with you?

The world shall awake soon and shall realize that their ancestors have lied to them, it is not to late to honor the only true teacher sent by Yah who had multitudes of witnesses.

Another point is that even in the time of Moshe 12 were sent out but only 2 gave a good report. It seems this may be true again.

The one who promotes lawlessness could even deceive the chosen ones who were with Yahshua.

Be strong and pray in your hearts for the veil of deception to be removed, it certainly makes the world look different when you are no longer blinded and under the delusions.

I pray for all man kind to see this light and to grab hold of Yahshua’s tzitzit, the one raised up to teach us.

There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing and they will never teach you this because you would no longer freely give them all your money to build their useless churches and provide them with the riches of the world.

Forgive them and move on, the lies must go now before it is to late.

Choose your master Yahweh or this Jesus god that everyone else prays to.
Remember that the prayers of a sinner are a stench in the nostrils of Yahweh and he will not take it once it stacks up to heaven. Just like in the days of Noah when only 8 people survived, no one would listen to Noah either, they thought him crazy also.
Remember what they called my brother Yahshua when he taught this message, they called his Beelzebub and so much more shall they call those who hear their shepherd.

Shalom and may Yah open your eyes so you can see past this delusion, we cannot love this world,

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Who is the covenant really for?

Key to life.
If you want to know what covenant that Yahshua offered and is still offering read Jeremiah 31;33 “But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day,” says the LORD. “I will put my instructions deep within them, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the LORD.’ For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already,” says the LORD. “And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”

35 It is the LORD who provides the sun to light the day
and the moon and stars to light the night,
and who stirs the sea into roaring waves.
His name is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies,
and this is what he says:
36 “I am as likely to reject my people Israel
as I am to abolish the laws of nature!”
37 This is what the LORD says:
“Just as the heavens cannot be measured
and the foundations of the earth cannot be explored,
so I will not consider casting them away
for the evil they have done.
I, the LORD, have spoken!

There should be no confusion we must be  apart of Israel, as Yah has not stopped the laws of nature!


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Some more answers to great questions

I cannot give John the baptist any credit for anything because Yahshua said he did not even compare the the least in the Kingdom of heaven. The only Teacher is Yahshua who spoke the word’s of Yah, because Yah dwelled with him. Yah has the power to forgive sins, he does not have a boss to tell him he can’t and if he gives that power to someone he has chosen who are we to question it. Yah gave this to us to teach people how to have their sins forgiven by Yah and this is what I am trying to show and what Yahshua taught. You are correct, Yah never ever wanted these sacrifices, Yah just wanted them to obey his instructions and if they did they would not be sinning and could stop. It seems to say that they started using sacrifices as a way our and also to make money and turned Yah’s temple into a den of thieves stealing from the people and selling them false hope. Yes Yahshua would have except that he would have offered her the choice of turning back and sinning no more. If she was breaking Yah’s Torah she would have been guilty, her and the one she was with. We have no ability to enforce any of Yah’s Torah punishment anymore as the Priesthood was who you were to take these transgressors to.We have Police who deal with people now and it is out of our hands right. I will tell you that here in North America if you truly do not break Torah then they will never bother you. If you do not break Yah’s laws you could never break any of our 1000,s of Laws. We must be found with out spot or blemish and then the sacrifice of our lives will be acceptable. If we are found still sinning against Yah when judgement comes it would be very horrific. I will always try to help anyone see this but I am not the judge, so in the end all we can do is Live Torah and persevere to the end.
Once again there can never be just a woman, there must also be the man she was with. Leave that for Yah to dish out the punishment he sees fit, just do not do as that woman did or did not do, Though shall not commit adultery! We all have free will and no one can ever be forced to hear what I have to say and it is up to each individual to turn back repent and learn. These are the Keys to eternal life which were hidden away for so long! Yahshua has handed us the Key to life.
If you want to know what covenant that Yahshua offered and is still offering read Jeremiah 31;33 “But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day,” says the LORD. “I will put my instructions deep within them, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the LORD.’ For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already,” says the LORD. “And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”

35 It is the LORD who provides the sun to light the day
and the moon and stars to light the night,
and who stirs the sea into roaring waves.
His name is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies,
and this is what he says:
36 “I am as likely to reject my people Israel
as I am to abolish the laws of nature!”
37 This is what the LORD says:
“Just as the heavens cannot be measured
and the foundations of the earth cannot be explored,
so I will not consider casting them away
for the evil they have done.
I, the LORD, have spoken!

There should be no confusion we must be  apart of Israel, as Yah has not stopped the laws of nature!


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Answering some questions

The Ten Commandments, In SVG

Image via Wikipedia

Shalom Friend,
When he was talking to the Pharisees he was talking about their oral traditions, what is now called the Talmud. They had added so many laws arounf the Torah that they had built a literal fence that no one could climb over. The added laws which they tried to say were handed down orally from Moshe were so demanding that they were driving anyone else away who even attempted to try to obey. Yahshua came to teach a clean Torah just as Moshe had taught. This is why we must have roots that lead to Torah, if we have no roots we do not know what to do and can easily be lead astray. The other phrase which says that they sit in the seat of Moshe so you must listen to what they say, also means that when they read from Torah do as they say but do not do as they do. They did follow Torah but they added detrimental life taking laws to it. For instance if their neighbors house was burning down and it was sabbath they would not lift a finger to help. They would take widows money when no the law says to take care of and support widows. And also back to your blog and the woman in adultery, that is so simple to see what he meant when you have Torah in your heart like myself. They cannot ever just stone one person for adultery, it takes 2 to tango right and the law says both are hauled out of town on the testimony of 2 witnesses and the witnesses must cast the first stone. They are all 100% perfect instructions, just read Deuteronomy and you will see. Some may say oh well that is horrible stoning someone which I admit I am glad I do not have to do but if you are with Yah and he says this I am sure I would listen. Yah’s Torah is to give life not death. It is not like Paul who said it only caused death, no not if you obeyed. Have a look at Ezekiel 18 and see  we have always been able to turn back Yahshua did not teach a new thing, no it is our roots, and can something grow and bear good fruit if it has no roots? The Pharisees cared much more about their own oral law and it was negating hiding the keys to life with Yah.

It was a renewed covenant and it was always open to all but the Israelite s were not teaching it to anyone as they were always supposed to do. Yah gave it to them and said that it was a law for them and any stranger who wanted to join them and praise Yah. To be in His covenant you must be circumcised (not right away but it is a must) and you must walk Torah life. It was always for anyone who wanted to join Israel. The mistake which is made today is that people assume that my Jewsih brothers are the only ones but hey there are 11 tribes in Yisrael not one. There is only One God and that is Yah, There is one teacher and that was Yahshua who was not God in any way, he was a man chosen and anointed by Yah to lead us back to him. Yes he was murdered by them but it was not like the sacrifice they ascribed to him after, his sacrifice is he went to lead them home and was rejected and murdered and now they have an innocent mans blood on their hands and anyone who wants to be part of that murder is accursed. I say this because it is what Torah says. Torah says Yah says no man will ever sacrifice himself for another s  sins and Yah says it is an abomination to offer human sacrifice and it had never ever crossed his mind, Yah said you shall not murder (Yahshua was murdered), you shall not give false testimony (they gave false testimony to have him murdered), Yah says that if you accuse someone and they are innocent then what was to happen to them will be done to you double. Yah said He is One and there is no other (they call my brother Yahshua their God, so now their is 2 god’s). This cannot be so why would Yah break all the commandments which are pure and clean and say it was redemption, this is from the adversary(devil and satan in Hebrew mean adversary). We are to blame their is no satan god floating around fighting us and Yah, no there may be a spirit that does this but it is controlled by Yah/

I do not accept Yahshua as a sacrifice, Yahshua’s sacrifice was to come and teach the truth and then he was murdered for it, just like they have murdered Yah’s Torah and told everyone there is not use following it or that you never could. This is a very bold lie as Yah said in Deuteronomy 31 (or right around there) that we definitely can follow it with all our heart.
We do not have a temple where Yah’s name dwells so no sacrifices can happen, and Yah said we may not just sacrifice where we live. There are 3 annual festivals of joy we would be attending if the temple was there but no we just keep in our heart a longing to be able to do it again someday. By the way if you read Devarim (Deuteronomy) you will see that the festivals were like giant parties and they were all free will offerings which were shared with all who did not have anything, widows, orphans and the poor in the land. Somewhere along the way someone made his wonderful instructions into rituals and this is why I also suspect Leviticus and it is also why I could never accept Paul. Another thing is I was never religious before 3 years ago, I always knew God existed and that the religions I saw today did not preach what Yahshua taught. I am not Jewish although many call me one. Don’t get me wrong I love all Jewish people even though they are mostly still following their oral traditions and not teaching us the right way.  There is one Torah for all man kind and as long as our house is divided we cannot stand and will not hear Yah before it is to late.
To me Paul is the one who came after and taught another messiah who is not my Yahshua. The laws are not done away with or Yahshua would not have taught them the whole entire time he was alive or was he just wasting his time?  We were warned that many would come in his name and deceive many, even overcome  the chosen.ones. This is why everyone listens to Paul and not Yahshua, Paul is not the teacher Yahshua is? I would have to apply Deuteronomy 13 to him as a false prophet and stone him to death. Yahshua told us about Paul in the parable of the sower. Yahshua seeded the good word of Torah and Paul seeded what we have now.
The wonderful amazing thing is Yah will forgive all if we turn back to him and walk The Torah walk.

I have friends who can use some of what Paul says to make it seem like he actually taught Torah also but you can use it for whatever you want. This I know Yahweh is not the author of confusion, Paul was. The man Paul is whatever to me but his teachings are what must be thrown into the fire as they are the Tares and Torah is the wheat. To love Yahweh with all your heart mind and being means you obey all his instructions, not some or the ones we want but all because they lead to life abundantly.
The hard part I will admit from my walk is that everyone else thinks I am crazy and some say Yah will condemn me just for trying, such nonsense. The people have no shepherd and the wolves teaching now care not for Yah’s children. Once you are in the walk and through repentance it is easy inside your heart but difficult out in the world, very difficult. It is so very worth it though.
Persevere till the end and be found spotless and blameless, you are the only one who can decide, no one is going to do this for us and we are not already covered. The wolves in sheep’s clothing will never teach this because if they did they would have to be equal to us and no longer would they have the power and fleece the sheep to death!

Sometimes I just can’t stop lol but when it flows out I just type (very slowly with 2 fingers). I never prepare what I am saying and I read it after I post. Yahshua said do not prepare Yah will speak through you. I hold to every word my brother spoke.

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Circumcision yes or no

If you are a lost sheep of Israel and you want to be in the covenant you will be circumcised. I am sure this should be the last thing. Do not start by getting circumcised, know your path first. The one thing I know is it is written that anyone who wants to join Israel must be circumcised or they will be cast out. These are not my words they were spoken to Abraham and also in Exodus when Moshe spoke of the Passover. This is apparently an issue as some say you should and some say no, well I say when in doubt consult the word and who ever disagrees with Yah is wrong. This is why the word was preserved for us so we can know what Yah wants.  This is called a Jewish thing when it is for all Abraham’s seed, all of Israel, the lost sheep who Yahshua’s message was for.

It is true that circumcision alone obviously cannot save you, the covenant is a big picture.

Shalom all,


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The Sabbath is for all men not just our Jewish friends

The Sabbath is for all men not just our Jewish friends.

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